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Heard Around the Track



May 21, 2001

Stress Fracture ends Julia Pudlin's season early.

There will be no Golden West or Adidas Nationals for Baldwin School's Julia Pudlin -¤ one of PA's all-time best distance runners ¤ following an early diagnosis of a stress fracture in her left heel. The missed training precludes any late season competition.

"I'm disappointed, but it's really been a great year. I've made so many friends and gained so much confidence at the national level. But the ups and-downs are just part of the sport."

The pain in her left heel started during training a few days before she would run at the Loucks Games on May 11. But she had committed to race, so Pudlin toed the line. The pain grew worse throughout the entire race. By the last lap, she was clearly limping. "I almost stopped. But I've never dropped out of a race in my life, and I wasn't about to then." 

She crossed the line in 3rd, knowing something was seriously wrong. A visit to the doctor last week gave an early indication of a stress fracture, with a MRI scheduled for early this week. Pudlin's doctor believes she began favoring the left leg after injuring her right ankle during an accidental spill at the line during the Millrose Games High School Invitational Mile. The calf muscle, weakened by her resulting tendency to favor the ankle, ultimately leading to the fracture.

Julia says she'll really miss the opportunity to compete against Seraki, Craig and the other graduating competitors "just one last time." But she'll use the opportunity to improve in other areas, like weight-training, "to get a little stronger, more like Erin (Donohue)."

The highlight of her year? "Footlockers (XC). The entire weekend. Every bit of it." As for next fall, Julia hopes to make Footlockers again and finish in the top five, which would make her first team All-American. "Of course, like everyone, I also have dreams of winning."


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