Heard Around the Track
Nike Athlete of the Week on Dyestat
Presented by Dyestat
Week ending: September 13
Mark Mullelly PA, 15:31, winner of Central Bucks East Invitational
in fastest PA time this year.
Jessie Cickay PA, 17:50, fastest 5k in PA so far, winner
of Central Bucks East Inv in PA.
Angie Saterstad PA, 18:49 winner over a tough Gettysburg
Invitational course.
Week ending: September 21
Jessie Cickay PA, 18:26 5k, a course record at brutal Belmont
Plateau in Philadelphia to win the Briarwood Invitational, 2nd
straight big meet victory for the soph sensation.September 28
Ryan Blood PA - 16:14 3m to win Bull Run Invitational over
very hilly Hereford MD course.
Angie Saterstad PA - 18:20 5k to win Carlisle Invitational.
Week ending: October 4
Council Rock PA soph Jessica Cickay - 17:39 5k at Council
Rock Invitational, continues to dominate the Quaker State.November
Week ending: November 4
N. Allegheny PA sr Stephanie Madia - 19:04 (5k) runs down
Council Rock soph sensation Jessica Cickay at the wire by half
a second
Baldwin sr Dan Mazzocco -- 16:03(5k) is fastest of the
the day at the Pennsylvania state meet.