2003 NSIC Indoor Track & Field Championships
2 Mile Run
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Event 40 Boys 2 Mile Run
National: * 8:40.00 2/16/1964 Gerry Lindgren, Spokane, WA
Meet: $ 8:54.46 1987 Brendan Mathias, Thornhill,Toronto, Can
Name Age Team Finals
1 Lechebo, Henok 17 Toronto, Can 9:09.67
2 DeVries, Hakan 17 Hopewell Junct. 9:25.13
3 Olivier, Mark 18 Groton, CT 9:26.23
4 Heath, Kyle 16 Victor, NY 9:27.84
5 Lader, Richard 17 South Cayaug 9:29.10
6 Foley, Ian 17 Easton,CT 9:29.38
7 Lambert, Robert West Jordan 9:32.26
8 Naughton, Dan 18 Uniondale, NY 9:38.09
9 Scheid, Justin 17 Jersey City, NJ 9:40.15
10 Batista, Pablo 16 Wpg Optimist 9:40.75
11 Hoogland, Steven 18 Burke, VA 9:40.80
12 Pina, Ulices 16 Speed City- CA 9:42.40
13 Benavidez, Alex 18 Chino, CA 9:43.43
14 Manning, Andrew 17 Traverse 9:51.50
15 Hoffman, Robert 17 Mepham, NY 9:58.97
16 Emerson, Zach Hillsboro, NH 9:59.08
17 Velez, Anthony 18 Port Richmond 10:06.82
18 Howick, Danny 16 Burke, VA 10:08.45
Event 39 Girls 2 Mile Run
National: * 9:55.92 3/10/1991 Melody Fairchild, Boulder, Co
Meet: $ 9:55.92 3/10/1991 Melody Fairchild, Boulder, Co
Name Age Team Finals Points
1 McKaig, Alissa 17 Cadet Tc, IN 10:40.54
2 Saterstad, Angela 18 Unattached 10:49.85
3 Van Alstine, Lindsay 18 Midland, NJ 10:51.67
4 Sayer, Amber 16 Amherst, MA 10:56.90
5 Beury, Jennifer 16 Roanoke, VA 11:04.69
6 Ekemo, Morgan 19 Alaska Track 11:07.39
7 Smith, Stephanie 12 York Region, Can 11:13.21
8 Klein, Erin 14 Burke, VA 11:14.80
9 Ryan, Aislinn 14 Warwick, NY 11:21.12
10 Mitchell, Adele 16 Cadet Tc, IN 11:21.91
11 Scherf, Lindsey 16 Scarsdale, NY 11:22.35
12 Allen, Sarah 16 South Cayaug 11:25.49
13 Calle, Elizabeth 16 Danbury, CT 11:26.45
14 Manck, Sarah 16 Cadet Tc, IN 11:30.80
15 Kovacs, Justine Stanford, CT 11:32.14
16 Dougherty, Ellen 15 Wadding Rivr, NY 11:37.75
17 Kemink, Kaylan 17 Arlington,NY 11:42.69
18 Duffy, Katie 17 Masuk., CT 11:45.39
19 DeRosa, Christina 16 Miller Place, NY 11:45.56
20 Romo, Emily San Lorenzo, CA 11:48.01
21 Brueberg, Lauren D. Minneapolis, MN 11:48.02
22 McCollum, Rebecca 15 Masuk., CT 11:56.62
23 Sundell, Lindsay C. 16 Northport, NY 12:00.59
24 Gold, Bina 17 Woodrow 12:02.42
25 Sanzari, Kristin Santa Rosa, CA 12:10.34
26 Hiruma, Laura Speed City- CA 12:39.64
Boys Photos
Girls Photos
Alissa McKaig, right, had won the 5000 on Friday, and added the two-mile
to her wins. Angie Saterstad maintains contact with New Jersey star Lindsay
Van Alstine, who she would ultimately beat by almost two seconds.

It was a battle that would continue the whole way.

A hard-fought 10:49.85 and 2nd place.

Saterstad, McKaig.
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