2003 PTFCA State Indoor Track & Field Championships
High Jump
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Boys High Jump
Place Hytek results here - already pretaggedBoys High Jump
State Meet: 6-10.25 2/27/99 Mike Newhard, Southern Lehigh
Name School Finals Points
1 Pickens, Carson Germantown Friends 6-08.00
2 Hicks, Andre' Harrisburg 6-06.00
3 Cave, Juan St. Joseph Prep J6-06.00
4 Taylor, Blake Methacton J6-06.00
5 Evak, Tanner St. College J6-06.00
6 Quillman, Travis Wyomissing 6-04.00
7 Fritz, Ryan Octorara J6-04.00
8 Graham, Frankie Reading J6-04.00
9 Littlejohn, Calvin Butler J6-04.00
10 Johnson, Basheon Glen Mills 6-02.00
11 Morris, Bill Devon Prep 6-00.00
12 Moerder, Adam Schuylkill Valley J6-00.00
12 Haywood, Craig Cardinal O'Hara J6-00.00
14 McCusker, Jeff Central Bucks East J6-00.00
14 Fogel, Zach Oley Valley J6-00.00
--- Page, Mike McDowell NH
Girls High Jump
State Meet: 6-00 2/27/99 Hyleas Fountain, Central Dauphin East
Name School Finals Points
1 Miller, Natalie Boyertown 5-06.00
2 Markel, Kim North Allegheny 5-04.00
3 Yon, Shannon North Allegheny J5-04.00
3 Redding, Caitlin Penncrest J5-04.00
3 Hartman, Julie Nazareth HS J5-04.00
3 Barnett, Stacy Conwell-Egan J5-04.00
7 Strouse, Amber St. College 5-02.00
8 Ferguson, Kelly Wissahickon J5-02.00
8 Manero, Denise Pennridge J5-02.00
8 Smith, Nicole McDowell J5-02.00
8 Kajunski, Kelly Downingtown J5-02.00
12 Hartman, Katie Easton J5-02.00
12 Haas, Libby Eastern York J5-02.00
14 Thompson, Jen Baldwin HS 5-00.00
15 Hurd, Tiffany Anville-Cleona J5-00.00
16 Birmingham, Julia Henderson J5-00.00
17 Mondie, Ashley Milton Hershey 4-10.00
17 McElyea, Andrea Ridley 4-10.00
Boys Photos
Girls Photos
Natalie Miller, Boyertown, won nine DVGTCA High Jump competitions this
season, didn't win the Meet of Champs, then came back to capture a state
championship, clearing 5-06.

Kim Markel, North Allegheny, 2nd 5-04.

Yon, North Allegheny, t3 5-04.
Caitlin Redding, Penncrest, t3rd 5-04.
Stacy Barnett, Conwell-Egan, t3rd 5-04.
Amber Strouse, 7th, clearing 5-02.

Kelly Kajunski, 5-02, t 8th.
Katie Hartman,Easton, 12th, clearing 5-02.
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