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Current Season

Saturday, September 1, 2001

Big Valley Invitational

Indian Valley Middle School

Sunny, pleasant, 60's 

The defending stat e AAA champion Coatesville boys easily dominated the Big Valley Invitational at  Indian Valley Middle School near State College, taking second place Altoona by 101 points with returning state medalist Rob Robertson capturning first in 16:19. Altoona's bob Boston was second, five seconds back. Coatesville also took top individual and team honors in the girls race, with Kelly O'Connell taking first in 19:21, and her team 19 points ahead of second place Bishop Guilfoyle.

Saturday, September 1, 2001
Big Valley Invitational

Boys Team

1 Coateaville           1       12      13      15      19      60
2 Altooha Area  2       7       25      27      29      90
3 Shikellamy            9       17      24      40      71      161
4 WlIIiamsport          6       30      31      57      75      199
5 Jersey Shore          20      26      39      52      63      200
8 Somerset              11      33      49      62      67      222
7 State College         48      54      58      60      65      285
8 Boyertown             28      36      56      70      97      287
9 Welleboro             16      41      64      69      107     297
10 Indian Valley        18      21      81      86      99      305
11 Lewisburg            3       61      77      83      87      311
12 Hollldaysburg        10      22      55      109     116     312
13 Foreat Hills         8       43      82      92      118     343
14 Penns Valley 14      37      51      133     137     372
15 W-mont Hilltop       4       5       104     164     165     442
16 MarIon Center        23      91      93      96      142     445
17 Central              32      95      103     110     136     476
18 Brookvili.           47      59      72      156     159     493
19 Susquenita           50      76      114     128     140     508
20 Lewlstown Area       45      79      96      119     170     511
21 Beliwood-Antls       42      74      84      141     188     529
22 Eik Co. Cath.        35      44      124     166     167     536
23 Punxsutawney 53      106     108     138     143     548
24 Bish. Oulifoyle      66      102     129     135     157     589
25 Belletonte Area      90      111     122     152     168     643
26 Phllipsburg          112     113     123     144     182     674
27 Mt. Union Area       115     126     153     171     172     737
28 Clearfield           73      149     163     177     181     743
29 Bedford              130     145     146     179     183     783
30 Bald Eagle Area      127     150     154     192     198     821

Boys Var. 2001

1               16:19   Rob Robertson Coatesville
2               16:24   Bob Boston Altoona
3               16:38   Chris Spooner Lewisburg
4               16:40   DavId Mock W-Mont Hilltop
5               16:47   Steve Gongalez W-Mont Hilltop
6               16:55   ChIp Carnes Williamsporg
7               17:06   Wayne Hooper    Altoona 
8               17:11   Jake Strayer    Forest Hills
9               17:16   Jadrien Deibler  Shilellamy
10              17:17   Nate Sylvester Hillidaysburg
11              17:21   MIke Troy Somerset
12              17:24   Jed Nowak Coatesville
13              17:30   Justin Robertson Coatesville
14              17:31   Ben Beibel  Penns Valley
15              17:39   Shane Snyder  Coatesville 
16              17:42   Jason Ives Wellsboro
17              17:44   Greg Bell Shikellamy
18              17:45   Matt Hartsock Indian Valley
19              17:50   DavId Monachello Coatesville 
20              17:50   ChrIs Rippey  Jersey Shore
21              17:51   Dan Stroup Indian Valley
22              17:52   Michael Vetla    Hillidaysburg 
23              17:59   Cory Spideli  Marion Center
24              18:01   RichIe Shatter  Shikellamy
25              18:01   N. Higginbotham   Altoona

Girls Team

1 Coatesvllle           1       26      29      32      37      125
2 B. Oullfoyle          3       10      46      25      60      144
3 Penna Valley  12      38      39      43      79      211
4 Lewlsburg             4       15      34      40      120     213
5 Boyertown             11      33      54      55      62      215
6 State College 6       35      50      68      70      229
7 Altoona Area  16      22      57      63      76      234
S Shikellamy            9       30      65      73      82      259
9 Forest Hills          2       23      44      97      112     278
10 Wetlaboro            20      36      80      84      86      306
11      Wllllamaport    13      41      56      85      129     324
12      Hollldaysburg   14      24      72      89      136     335
13      Punxsutawney    19      42      48      106     126     341          
14      Betlefonte Area 18      59      78      92      115     362
15      W.mont Hilltop  5       21      104     108     139     377
16      Marion Center   28      71      93      98      99      389
17 Elk Co. Cath.        61      66      67      95      121     410
18 Junlata Valley       8       83      94      107     125     417
19 Central              45      51      105     111     156     468
20 Jersey Shore 88      96      100     102     114     500
21 Bedford              17      69      101     141     172     500
22 Lewlstown            53      90      109     119     151     522
23 IndIan Valley        47      64      142     157     161     571
24 Brookvllle           27      81      143     165     173     589
25 Bellwood-Antis       52      75      118     174     175     594
25 Phlllpsburg          58      122     149     171     181     681
Bald Eagle Area NA      
Clearfield              NA
Mt. Union Area          NA
Susquenlta              NA

Girls Results

1               19:21   Kelly O'Connell         Coatesville
2               19:29  Leanna Natase   Forest Hills
3               19:56   Sonja Hinish            B. Builfoyle
4               20:1 7  Ashleigh Wetzel Lewisburg
5               20:50   AnnIe Kowtonluk W-Mont Hilltop
6               21:09   Kelly Chadwick  State College
7               21:19   Susan Despot            Bald Eagle Area
8               21:20   KatieWeko               Juniata Valley
9               21:23   Oghogho Alfuwa  Shikellamy
10              21:29   Angela Greaser  B. Builfoyle
11              21:35   Isabella Valenti        Boyertown
12              21:36   ErIn Diehi              Penns Valley
13              21:45   CandiceGalt             Williamsport
14              21:46   Megan Duffett           Hollidaysburg
15              21:56   Amanda Elhott           Lewisburg
16              22:00   Ashley Oswalt   Altoona Area
17              22:02   Undsay Zack             Bedford
18              22:04   Andrea Young            Bellefont Area
19              22:09   Penea Shaffer           Punxsutawney
20              22:09   Caitlln Strahota        Wellsboro
21              22:13   Casey Khurl             W-mont Hilltop
22              22:14   Bridget Joyce           Altoona Area
23              22:15   Charlene Wirfel Forest Hills
24              22:16   Denise White            Hollidaysburg
25              22:20   Shannon Moore   B. Guilfoyle